馬來西亞打造繁榮漁業Tok Bali新港馬來西亞Kelantan州Tok Bali最新落成的現代化漁港展現當局致力州內漁業及漁村發展的決心。此由馬來西亞漁業發展局(LKIM)掌管的港口,主要提供前往南中國海作業的遠洋漁民卸魚、加油、補冰、食物補給,及設置方便漁民辦理外籍酒店兼職船員文件的移民局快速窗口等重要政府機關。港口不僅是前往半島東岸作業遠洋漁民的重要避風港,亦帶動以漁業維生的民間上下游相關活動。該港口亦吸引自泰國南部及越南的遠洋漁船遠道而來。去年約有217艘遠洋漁船來此港口卸魚,總產量高達23,608公噸(產值為土地買賣1,820萬美元)。預定興建的港口漁業綜合發展園區不僅成功帶動當地水產加工廠、飯店業、觀光業及餐飲業等的發展,也提供當地人(多為漁民)大量的工作機會。約有200位家庭主婦在港區從事水產品送往批發商販售前依等級分類的工作。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, seoNo. 11/2012,15 June 2012) NEW PORT TO SUPPORT FISHING INDUSTRY The newly established modern fishing port in Tok Bali, the state of Kelantan, stands testimony to the government’s efforts in developing the fishing industry and the fishing 烤肉community in the state. The port mainly caters to deep sea fishermen, operating in the South China Sea and is operated by the Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia (LKIM) where fishermen can not only land their catch but also buy 景觀設計diesel, ice and food. The port also serves as a one-stop centre, stationed with relevant government departments like the Immigration Department, which help fishermen prepare the documents required for their foreign crew. The port plays an 土地買賣important role in encouraging deep sea fishing off the east coast of the peninsula and also boosts fisheries based on downstream and upstream activities that involve the participation of the private sector. The port even attracts deep sea 節能燈具fishing boats from south Thailand and Vietnam . Last year, about 217 deep sea fishing boats landed their catch at the port, totaling 23,608 MT worth RM56.3 million (US$18.2 million). The proposed Fisheries Park in the port complex has led 酒店經紀to the establishment of a seafood processing factory as well as hotels, resorts and restaurants. The port construction also provides ample employment opportunities for the locals, who are mostly fishermen or farmers. There are about 200 辦公室出租housewives working at the port, who perform activities such as sorting the fish according to grades before it is sold to the wholesalers.

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租辦公室 YAHOO!


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